Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Google Rolls Out Another Language For App Engine

Back in one of my older posts (App Engine Is Going To Become A Better PBBG Host) I wrote about some of the upcoming changes Google is planning for their App Engine. Several of those improvements should be helpful for anyone who wants to try building a PBBG on the web and wants a scalable platform for deploying it.

Today they rolled out a different change for App Engine by releasing an early look at Java on the platform. If you would rather use Java instead of Python, today is your lucky day. I do love me some Java but I can't say I'm a big fan of it for web app development, for that I think Rails is a much better choice. Nevertheless, Java is a massively popular language and a lot of people know it. It was definitely my third choice for them to implement.

Edited 04/09/2008:

It turns out that in addition to the Java rollout (only for the first 10,000 developers to sign up for early access) they also rolled out three new features, chief among them is a cron like capability. Since that is a key need for a lot of PBBGs I thought I'd mention it.

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