Saturday, February 14, 2009

Upcoming Changes To Big Villain

Just recently I've fixed some problems with logging in or to be more accurate failing to login. But what I've got upcoming is code that checks to make sure a newly created player is correctly setup before letting him/her into the game proper. That will involve making the user choose how many secrets to keep in the game and which ones (some have higher VP values than others).

That brings up victory points in general. Obviously the real numbers are not even started yet, but the general idea is that scoring for a user will be done by giving out victory points for money on hand, number of clueless employed, number of minions, number of agents, vps for different lairs constructed, secrets of your own kept successfully until the end of the game, secrets of others revealed during the game, and evil schemes completed. Each of these will have a curved scale of some kind so you can't just sit and turn the crank in one category until the end of the game and expect to win. You've got to diversify and have some success in multiple areas in order to have a good score.

After I've got the setup completed then I'll be turning my attention to the operation that you run to find one of an opponent's lairs.

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