Monday, March 30, 2009

One Feed To Rule Them All

I've created a Yahoo! Pipe that pulls together and sorts nine different PBBG related weblogs. Obviously this one and Building Browsergames are included but so are several others related to other projects out there. The RSS feed for all of them together is this link:

If you go here you can see the construction of the pipe and even copy and make it your own. I would ask that if you do know of some other PBBG related blogs, please either email me or add a comment to this post to let me know about them. I'd like to have a definitive list in this one feed.


It has been requested that I put the current list in here so here it is:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Aid To Building Better Support For Low/No Vision PBBG Players

Since I already use the excellent Yahoo! UI (YUI) CSS files to help me layout the pages in my game, the news that you can also now embed hints to screen readers with your YUI grid layout code is good news. This article tells how and even has a video example to illustrate how it can give the low or no vision user the ability to flip from section to section more quickly because they can tell the purpose of each area on the page because you can label each one.

Note: Even if you're already using another library to handle JavaScript (e.g. Prototype/Scriptaculous or jQuery) then you can still use YUI's CSS files to clear out browser specific formatting, standardize the appearance of basic tags from one browser to the next, handle font size differences, and layout your page without resorting to tables. It's a great set of files that can save you a ton of time.